Feng Shui for the Office

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Feng shui for the office will create a clean, tranquil space conducive to efficiency and productivity. Offices most conducive to good chi are square or rectangular, which allows chi to circulate freely.


At work, your desk is as important as your bed is at home. Because a desk, like a bed, can carry the chi of its previous occupant, you should look into the desk’s past. If the previous owner was fired, quit unhappily, or left work due to illness, it may be best to try to get a new desk or to get a desk used by someone who was promoted.

Desk Placement

A well-placed desk will ensure that your office attracts good chi and that you feel comfortable and ready to work.

  • Place your desk so that you can see the door. This will prevent surprises, thus reducing tension and allowing you to concentrate more fully. If you work in a cubicle, or if your desk must face away from the door, place a mirror in front of your desk so you can see a reflection of the door.
  • Your desk should not be directly in front of the door. A desk right in front of the door will be blasted by chi surging through the door, rather than bathed in the chi that has already entered the room and settled.
  • The gua numbers used to place a bed can also be used to place a desk (see Feng Shui for the Bedroom).
  • Give the desk a solid backing. A wall is preferable.
  • Avoid shar by softening any sharp angles on, or pointing at your desk. To do so, use plants with rounded leaves to cover the angles. An odd number of plants tends to work best.

Desktop Feng Shui

As with any space in your home, your desk will attract much more good chi if it’s kept clean and organized.

  • Keep your work area and your desktop clutter-free. Clear your desktop before you leave each night.
  • Develop a system to organize all of your paperwork and projects.
  • Fountains and plants (an odd number) can encourage chi to enter your office or cubicle.

Other Office Furniture

Other office furniture you should consider when designing your space includes shelves, filing cabinets, and chairs.

  • Shelves: Overhead shelves can make you feel vulnerable. Open shelves can send out cutting chi; shelves with doors that close are more secure.
  • Filing cabinets: The sharp edges of filing cabinets can send out shar and should be softened, perhaps by laying fabric over them. The filing cabinets should also be orderly. Get rid of junk mail as soon as it enters your office, and keep all other paperwork in clearly marked folders, boxes, or baskets.
  • Chair: Your chair should be comfortable, sturdy, and supportive. It’s also best to have a new chair, as an old chair might be compromised by a previous worker’s negative energy.

Categories: Feng Shui